agree AgreeStat Analytics

Intraclass Correlation Sample Size Determination
Retrospective Power Analysis/1-Way Random Subject Effects Model


Assume you have already conducted an inter-rater reliability experiment following the one-way random subject effects design.  Now, you want to know what statistical power you have been able to achieve.

AgreeStat360 can be used to determine the achieved statistical power for various values of the Minimum Detectable Difference (MDD).  The input data needed to run AgreeStat360 is described in the figure below. Essentially you need to provide the following:

  • The standard significance level is 5% and needs not be modified. The baseline ICC value could be modified and represents the value the researcher aims at exceeding.

  •  The number of subjects and number of ratings per subject used in the experiment must be specified as well.

intraclass correlation sample size

Analysis with AgreeStat/360

To see how AgreeStat360 processes this dataset to produce various agreement coefficients, please play the video below.  This video can also be watched on for more clarity if needed.


The output that AgreeStat360 produces is shown below.

  • The power table on the right hand side shows how the power changes as the MDD changes given the parameters specified previously.

  • You may also modify the MDD range values of interest and the power table will update accordingly.

intraclass correlation sample size determination